GMCA: Positioning and branding in corporate and marketing communications
Effective marketing communications strategies and solutions ought to be designed to strengthen the consumer’s brand awareness of a clients products and services. At GMCA, we add value to your business by offering our experienced professional staff to assist you and your team in efficiently managing all aspects of your marketing communications projects. Our value proposition is based on two fundamental concepts: ‘branding’ and ‘positioning.’
Sound advertising and public relations programs are essential to the effective promotion of products and services. This is especially true when it comes to branding and positioning. If this is so, why is it then that we hear more often about branding concepts and positioning strategies rather than advertising?
There are three major trends of modern society that are the source of these approaches.
The first trend is the exponential growth of information sources. If one were to decide, for example, to read everything that has been published during just one day in the world, it would take us about 200 days to complete such a task...
Being seen and being heard in the context of the society overwhelmed by information is a real challenge for any company. The concept of modern communication is summarized in a phrase: 'in communication, more is less’. Your message should be concise, punchy and memorable. The image of one’s brand is, in fact, closely correlated to one’s reputation in the marketplace.
A powerful brand image keeps your customers loyal and attracts new clients. Creating a distinct and memorable brand is relatively easy for companies which offer new products and innovative concepts. Our memory naturally retains most of what is first seen or heard: the first experiment, the first event, an innovative or a new product. But what is to be done when one’s brand is the second, third or tenth ranked one in the market? In this case we apply the strategy of positioning. Positioning involves an analysis of market and competition: one’s company must define its strengths, understand its weaknesses, and develop its value-proposition based on its strengths and mitigating perceived weaknesses. One’s product or service need not necessarily be first-in-class, but surely it must offer something that the competiton cannot in terms of an alternative.
The second trend in contemporary society is the development of Internet. Web 2.0 (Blogs / Forums) has become a platform that sometimes supplements and frequently supplants traditional marketplaces and other public spaces. What used to be a conversation between neighbors on the corner of the street, has become an omnipresent and seemingly interminable discussion in Blogs and Forums. Company presence on the Internet has become essential to business success. If a business lacks a presence on the Web, then it effectively ceases to exist in the modern marketplace.
The third trend is the globalization of modern society. Even if you are owner of the grocery 'corner', your customers could well be foreigners: we are living in a world where professional movements and international tourism is growing.
Multi-lingual communication support services
Having access to multi-lingual communication support services on line and off line will expand your audience and can create real competitive advantage!
In order to manage efficiently all your communications projects, we will assist you with:
- Positioning strategy development;
- Corporate Graphic Identity creation;
- Web projects (creating web-site, Intranet, e-boutique) concept, implementation and handling;
- Business multi-media (sales brochure, product sheet) implementation;
- Relation Press establishing;
- Referencing Multilingual;
- Web Marketing;
- Social Network Marketing;
- Editorial Multilingual and
- Copywriting Multilingual.